

Tree Plantation

 a group of people standing in a lush, green agricultural field on a hillside. In the foreground, several individuals are visible among rows of plants, which appear to be young fruit trees or vines. The people are wearing casual clothing, with some in colorful t-shirts. In the background, a sprawling urban landscape can be seen stretching into the distance, with numerous white buildings dotting the hills. The sky is overcast, giving a slightly hazy appearance to the distant view. The scene suggests a community agricultural project or educational outing taking place on the outskirts of a city.
There are approximately 15-20 individuals visible, ranging from children to adults. They are dressed in casual clothing with a variety of bright colors including yellow, red, blue, and pink shirts.
The participants are scattered across the image, with some bending down or kneeling on the ground, seemingly planting or tending to small plants. Others are standing and observing or assisting. The overall atmosphere appears collaborative and focused, with everyone involved in the shared activity.
The garden appears to be in an early stage of development, with small plants and seedlings visible in the dirt. There are bamboo or wooden stakes scattered around, likely for supporting growing plants. In the background, there's a wooden pergola structure and some larger trees or shrubs. The setting seems to be in an urban or suburban area, as buildings can be seen in the distance. The lighting suggests it's daytime, and the overall scene conveys a sense of community effort and environmental engagement.

Water harvesting

Social service

a group of young students, likely boys, gathered on a grassy hillside. They are dressed in white shirts and dark pants, which appear to be a school uniform. The students are seated in a circular formation, crouched or sitting on the ground, and seem to be engaged in an activity or task, possibly planting or examining something on the ground. In the background, a vast landscape is visible, with fields and scattered vegetation stretching into the distance, suggesting a rural or semi-rural setting. The overall scene has a green and lush appearance, indicating it might be during a rainy or growing season.
a group of people gathered on a grassy hillside. In the foreground, two men are holding up a large sign or banner with text in what appears to be Hindi script. The banner is primarily white with red text. Behind them, a diverse group of people, including adults and children, are scattered across the slope. Some are sitting while others are standing. The setting appears to be a rural or semi-rural area with green vegetation covering the hillside. In the background, more people can be seen walking or standing further up the hill. The overall scene suggests some kind of community gathering or event, possibly related to awareness or education given the prominent display of the banner.
The four young individuals, likely boys, engaged in a planting or gardening activity in an outdoor setting. They are crouched or kneeling on grassy ground, gathered around a small plant or sapling. All of them are wearing similar light-colored shirts, possibly school uniforms, and darker pants or shorts. The background appears to be a grassy area with some vegetation, suggesting a rural or suburban environment. The scene has natural lighting, indicating it's daytime. The boys seem to be focused on the plant, with their hands near or touching the ground, implying they are in the process of planting or tending to it. Their postures and expressions suggest a collaborative, engaged effort in this activity.