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is a newspaper article in Marathi, discussing an event related to women's empowerment and social service. The headline emphasizes the importance of the work done by the committee and acknowledges the contributions of senior social workers.
to be a newspaper article in Marathi, titled (translated: In the ceremony, 9900 trees were planted). It discusses an event related to tree planting in the villages of Varshad and Potwad. The article includes photographs of participants at the event, likely showcasing community members and officials involved in the tree planting initiative. The publication is from Wagholi Bulletin, dated May 09, 2023. The text highlights the importance of the event and mentions various individuals present.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled (Janman). It discusses an event where 9,900 trees were planted as part of a ceremony. The article highlights the contributions of various individuals, including a prominent figure named Chandrakant Varshad.
The text mentions the significance of the event and lists attendees, likely including community leaders and officials. There are also photographs of the participants, showcasing the community's involvement in the tree planting initiative. The article emphasizes environmental awareness and community engagement in sustainability efforts.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled (Janman). It reports on an event where 400 trees were planted by a group of individuals, likely as part of a community initiative. The article highlights the involvement of various participants, showcasing their commitment to environmental conservation.
The accompanying photograph features a group of people, possibly volunteers, celebrating their efforts in tree planting. The text emphasizes the importance of such initiatives for ecological sustainability and community engagement. The publication date is noted as May 09, 2023.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled A Unique Initiative of Distributing Tea to Thousands of Pilgrims for Twenty Years.
The article discusses a community initiative that has been ongoing for twenty years, where tea is distributed to thousands of pilgrims. It highlights the efforts of volunteers and community members involved in this charitable act.
The accompanying photographs show a crowd of people, likely pilgrims, gathered at the event, with volunteers serving tea. The article emphasizes the significance of this tradition in supporting the community and enhancing the experience of the pilgrims. The publication date is noted as June 26, 2023.
The image is a newspaper article from Wagholi Times. The headline reads Bacori Temple Forest Project Faces Setbacks on the Hill
The article discusses issues related to a forest project near the Bacori Temple, highlighting recent incidents that have affected its progress. It mentions the involvement of local authorities and the community's concerns regarding the project.
The accompanying photograph shows a damaged area, possibly related to the project, with a fallen structure and debris. The article emphasizes the need for attention and action from the authorities to address the challenges faced by the project. The publication includes social media links for further engagement.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled Nurtured with Life and Set Ablaze by Ignorance
The article discusses the destruction of a forest area in the Bacori region, highlighting the contrast between efforts to nurture the environment and the damage caused by negligence or ignorance. It features photographs showing the affected area, with charred ground and remnants of vegetation.
The text emphasizes the importance of protecting natural resources and the consequences of carelessness. It calls for awareness and action to prevent further damage to the environment. The article aims to raise community consciousness regarding environmental conservation.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled Celebrating the Anniversary by Planting 300 Trees.
The article reports on an event where 300 trees were planted as part of an anniversary celebration. It highlights the involvement of local leaders and community members in this initiative, emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation.
The accompanying photograph shows a group of individuals, including officials and volunteers, participating in the tree planting ceremony. Another image depicts a smaller group planting a tree, showcasing their commitment to the cause. The article underscores the significance of such activities in promoting sustainability and community engagement.
The image is a newspaper article in Marathi titled Greenery to be Restored on the Hills of Bacori
The article discusses an initiative aimed at planting two lakh trees in the Bacori region. It highlights the importance of this project for environmental restoration and community involvement.
The article includes photographs of individuals participating in the tree planting efforts, showcasing volunteers actively engaged in the work. The text emphasizes the significance of reforestation and the positive impact it can have on the local ecosystem. The publication date is noted as February 15, 2020.
is a newspaper article in Marathi discussing a health initiative related to COVID-19. It features a photograph of a person wearing a traditional turban, likely a key figure in the initiative, alongside an image of a hospital ward. The hospital scene shows several beds equipped with medical equipment, indicating a facility prepared for patient care.
is a newspaper article titled Bakori farmer grows crops to feed birds, featuring a story about Chandrakant Warghade, a farmer who has dedicated two acres of his land to grow jowar specifically for birds. The article highlights his commitment to wildlife and the environment, especially in light of challenges faced by farmers.
The image is a newspaper article from Wagholi Times titled On the Occasion of World Environment Day, Tree Planting in Bacori.
The article discusses a tree planting event held in the Bacori region to celebrate World Environment Day. It highlights the community's efforts to promote environmental awareness and sustainability through this initiative.
The accompanying photograph shows individuals actively participating in the tree planting process, emphasizing their commitment to enhancing the local environment. The article also includes a section for security services tender inquiries, indicating additional community engagement activities. The publication date is noted as June 8, 2023.